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The Korean Christian Martyrs’ Memorial Hall has been operating without closing for the past three decades.
s a result, the building was in a poor condition, in need of renovation for the Hall to be managed well. Consequently,
the 100th Anniversary Association, the legal owner, manager and the opereator of the Korean Christian Martyrs’ Memorial Hall,
started the renovation starting from January 1st, 2019, the 30th year anniversary of the opening of the Hall.
The 100th Anniversary Memorial Church, which was in charge of the renovation, tried their best to not change the exterior of the Hall,
while improving the interior space and function of the aged building.
Moreover, to enrich the contents of exhibition to match the Korean Christian Martyrs’ Memorial Hall,
which represents the Korean Protes,tant Church, the contents were re-organized under the
theme of “Learning, Encounter, and Reflection.”
The Hall includes the Martyrs History Exhibition Hall, hich displays the meaning and
history of martyrdom, the Digital Exhibition Hall that displays
martyrs who died for the Korean church, and the chapel as a space for visitors to spend time
in silence and reflect on their own belief.
We will continue to take care of the Martyrs’ Memorial Hall
so that visitors will take pride that such Hall exists in Korea,
and remember the faith of martyrs that offered their lives for the Korean church.

Intro to the Korean Christian Martyrs’ Memorial Hall

Korean Christian Martyrs’ Memorial Hall opened on November 18, 1989 by the Foundation for the
100th Anniversary of the Korean Church.
The Hall showcases the history of martyrs in the history of Christianity globally and
in Korea to commemorate the faith and spirit of our ancestors of faith who martyred for the Korean church
across time periods, including the end of the Chosun Dynasty, Japanese colonial era, and the Korean War.
By doing so, the Hall also aims to redefine the vision of the second century of Korean Christianity.